Sunday, April 22, 2012

Avoiding someone doesn't always mean you hate him. It could also mean that you want him, but you just know it isn't right.
Love this. 

Confessing here.  

I fall to someone who:  
I have no idea he'll be such important to me.   
Tell me the benefits of his own network marketing business but never force me into it.  
Overcome my fright to thunder by acting as a drum player to those sound. 
Tell me to find him for confidence for those performance that even me myself not confident in. 
Hold my hands while crossing the busy road. 
Hold it even tight while passing through crowded places. 
Pat my head when I'm sharing something that hurt me so much in the past. 
Share his sorrow with me. 
Go travel randomly with me. 
Help me to remember him by purposely skipping exam as if he has one. 
Walk up Cameron hill. 
Rub my hand with his to keep me warm. 
Feed me with the food he likes. 
Act as an auntie to buy vegetables. 
Tell me: "Believe, we can do it!" 
Climb the tea mountain in the middle of the night with me. 
Tell me the story of the free and easy Crow. 
Ask me about the Cameron Him and give me the advice to know how much to take and release. 
Tell me the story between him and his ex. 
Share the same perspective in Love with me. 
Always send me to the door and watch until I leave. 
Worry about me when I get my backbone pain. 
Come in and check me out when I'm inside the emergency room. 
Text my friend to make sure I'm not handling any hard chores at the next day. 
Tell me not to get over-active. 
Has a smile that gives me confidence. 
Has a hug that I'll never forget. 
Owe me a wish and an answer.

But now, I'm avoiding him. 
I mean, I'm holding myself to stay within a distance with him.  
I'm afraid that I'm causing a problem to him, like how I cause problem to the one I used to care so much. 
I'm afraid he's doing good by not rejecting me. 

I'm afraid to lose him.  
Sometimes U have to try not to care no matter how much you do.. Because, sometimes, you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you . 
Do I mean anything to you?
Or I'm just another burden?
I don't hope for any relationship changes,
I just want to
Have you as a person to love.
Waking up every morning, knowing that there's a person to love to miss, is one of my strength to continue on my busy schedule.

God, Can I have this strength with me always? 

Nikki Sim, 
You are strong. 
You can do it. 
Always remember I love you, 
as you are me, and I am you.

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